Video index
1. Call to Order / Roll Call.
2. Consider and act upon the minutes of the June 13, 2024 Parks and Recreation Board meeting.
3. Comments from the public.
4. Consider and act upon recent incidents of damage at Star Trace Park.
5. Consider and act upon Lakewood Park Cricket Pitch Field Reservation process.
6. Consider and act upon parking lot expansion at Lakewood Park.
7. Consider and act upon approval of the 2025 Event Calendar.
8. Receive staff updates: Recreation, Park Development, Park Operations, and Director.
9. Request for future agenda items.
Oct 07, 2024 Parks and Recreation
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to Order / Roll Call.
2. Consider and act upon the minutes of the June 13, 2024 Parks and Recreation Board meeting.
3. Comments from the public.
4. Consider and act upon recent incidents of damage at Star Trace Park.
5. Consider and act upon Lakewood Park Cricket Pitch Field Reservation process.
6. Consider and act upon parking lot expansion at Lakewood Park.
7. Consider and act upon approval of the 2025 Event Calendar.
8. Receive staff updates: Recreation, Park Development, Park Operations, and Director.
9. Request for future agenda items.
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