Video index
Call to Order/ Roll Call.
Announcements of recent and upcoming events.
1. Presentation to the Town of Prosper for the Award for Excellence in Financial Reporting form the Government Finance Officers Association of Texas (GFOA). (CL)
4. Consider and act upon awarding RFP No. 2024-03-B for stop loss insurance for the Town’s self-insurance fund, effective January 1, 2023, and authorizing the Town Manager to execute all documents for the same. (JE)
12. Consider and act upon a resolution of the Town Council of the Town of Prosper, Texas, declaring the public necessity to acquire certain water line easements and temporary construction easements for the construction of the Town’s FM 1461 12-inch Water Line Relocation project; determining the public use and necessity for such acquisition; authorizing the acquisition of property rights necessary for said Project; appointing an appraiser and negotiator as necessary; authorizing the Town Manager to establish just compensation for the property rights to be acquired; authorizing the Town Manager to take all steps necessary to acquire the needed property rights in compliance with all applicable laws and resolutions; and authorizing the Town Attorney to institute condemnation proceedings to acquire the property rights if purchase negotiations are not successful. (HW)
13. Consider and act upon a resolution of the Town Council of the Town of Prosper, Texas, declaring the public necessity to acquire certain wastewater line easements and temporary construction easements for the construction of the Town’s Upper Doe Branch Wastewater Line (Teel – PISD Stadium) project; determining the public use and necessity for such acquisition; authorizing the acquisition of property rights necessary for said Project; appointing an appraiser and negotiator as necessary; authorizing the Town Manager to establish just compensation for the property rights to be acquired; authorizing the Town Manager to take all steps necessary to acquire the needed property rights in compliance with all applicable laws and resolutions; and authorizing the Town Attorney to institute condemnation proceedings to acquire the property rights if purchase negotiations are not successful. (HW)
14. Consider and act upon approval of Raymond Community Park Guaranteed Maximum Price Contract #1 for Site Preparation and authorize the Town Manager to execute documents for the same. (DB)
15. Consider and act upon an ordinance amending Article 3.14 – Signs of the Town of Prosper Code of Ordinances to modify certain wall sign and development sign regulations. (DH)
16. Consider and act upon amending Chapter 2, Section 13 – Multifamily District; Chapter 4, Section 4.3 – Non-residential and multifamily parking provisions; and Chapter 4, Section 8 – Non-Residential & Multifamily Design and Development of the Town of Prosper Zoning Ordinance to modify Multifamily development standards. (ZONE-23- 0024) (DH)
17. Conduct a public hearing to consider amending Chapter 3, Section 1.4 – Conditional Development Standards and Chapter 4 – Development Requirements of the Town of Prosper Zoning Ordinance to modify requirements related to drive-throughs. (ZONE-23- 0033) (DH)
18. Consider and act upon the 2024 Prosper Town Council Regular meeting schedule. (MLS)
19. Discuss and consider Town Council Subcommittee reports. (DFB)
Reconvene in Regular Session and take any action necessary as a result of the Closed Session
Dec 12, 2023 Town Council
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
Call to Order/ Roll Call.
Announcements of recent and upcoming events.
1. Presentation to the Town of Prosper for the Award for Excellence in Financial Reporting form the Government Finance Officers Association of Texas (GFOA). (CL)
4. Consider and act upon awarding RFP No. 2024-03-B for stop loss insurance for the Town’s self-insurance fund, effective January 1, 2023, and authorizing the Town Manager to execute all documents for the same. (JE)
12. Consider and act upon a resolution of the Town Council of the Town of Prosper, Texas, declaring the public necessity to acquire certain water line easements and temporary construction easements for the construction of the Town’s FM 1461 12-inch Water Line Relocation project; determining the public use and necessity for such acquisition; authorizing the acquisition of property rights necessary for said Project; appointing an appraiser and negotiator as necessary; authorizing the Town Manager to establish just compensation for the property rights to be acquired; authorizing the Town Manager to take all steps necessary to acquire the needed property rights in compliance with all applicable laws and resolutions; and authorizing the Town Attorney to institute condemnation proceedings to acquire the property rights if purchase negotiations are not successful. (HW)
13. Consider and act upon a resolution of the Town Council of the Town of Prosper, Texas, declaring the public necessity to acquire certain wastewater line easements and temporary construction easements for the construction of the Town’s Upper Doe Branch Wastewater Line (Teel – PISD Stadium) project; determining the public use and necessity for such acquisition; authorizing the acquisition of property rights necessary for said Project; appointing an appraiser and negotiator as necessary; authorizing the Town Manager to establish just compensation for the property rights to be acquired; authorizing the Town Manager to take all steps necessary to acquire the needed property rights in compliance with all applicable laws and resolutions; and authorizing the Town Attorney to institute condemnation proceedings to acquire the property rights if purchase negotiations are not successful. (HW)
14. Consider and act upon approval of Raymond Community Park Guaranteed Maximum Price Contract #1 for Site Preparation and authorize the Town Manager to execute documents for the same. (DB)
15. Consider and act upon an ordinance amending Article 3.14 – Signs of the Town of Prosper Code of Ordinances to modify certain wall sign and development sign regulations. (DH)
16. Consider and act upon amending Chapter 2, Section 13 – Multifamily District; Chapter 4, Section 4.3 – Non-residential and multifamily parking provisions; and Chapter 4, Section 8 – Non-Residential & Multifamily Design and Development of the Town of Prosper Zoning Ordinance to modify Multifamily development standards. (ZONE-23- 0024) (DH)
17. Conduct a public hearing to consider amending Chapter 3, Section 1.4 – Conditional Development Standards and Chapter 4 – Development Requirements of the Town of Prosper Zoning Ordinance to modify requirements related to drive-throughs. (ZONE-23- 0033) (DH)
18. Consider and act upon the 2024 Prosper Town Council Regular meeting schedule. (MLS)
19. Discuss and consider Town Council Subcommittee reports. (DFB)
Reconvene in Regular Session and take any action necessary as a result of the Closed Session
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