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Call to Order/ Roll Call.
Announcements of recent and upcoming events.
1. Presentation to members of the Visual Arts of Prosper declaring October 25, 2023 as International Artists Day. (RB)
2. Presentation regarding the 2023 Collin County Bond Election program. (DFB)
19. Consider and act upon authorizing the Town Manager to execute a Professional Engineering Services Agreement between Lee Engineering, LLC, and the Town of Prosper, Texas, related to the traffic signal warrant study on Gee Road at Acacia Parkway and the design of pedestrian hybrid beacons. (HW)
22. Conduct a public hearing and consider and act upon a request for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a new Drive-Thru Restaurant, on 1.5± acres, located south of West Frontier Parkway and east of North Dallas Parkway. (ZONE-23-0013) (DH)
23. Conduct a public hearing and consider and act upon a request to rezone 0.3± acres from Single Family-15 (SF-15) to Downtown Single-Family (DTSF), for Hillside Addition, Block 2, Lot 4, located north of East Fifth Street and west of North Church Street. (ZONE23-0018) (DH)
24. Receive an update on the status of the Raymond Community Park project. (DB)
25. Discuss and consider Town Council Subcommittee reports. (DFB)
Reconvene in Regular Session and take any action necessary as a result of the Closed Session.
Oct 24, 2023 Town Council
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
Call to Order/ Roll Call.
Announcements of recent and upcoming events.
1. Presentation to members of the Visual Arts of Prosper declaring October 25, 2023 as International Artists Day. (RB)
2. Presentation regarding the 2023 Collin County Bond Election program. (DFB)
19. Consider and act upon authorizing the Town Manager to execute a Professional Engineering Services Agreement between Lee Engineering, LLC, and the Town of Prosper, Texas, related to the traffic signal warrant study on Gee Road at Acacia Parkway and the design of pedestrian hybrid beacons. (HW)
22. Conduct a public hearing and consider and act upon a request for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a new Drive-Thru Restaurant, on 1.5± acres, located south of West Frontier Parkway and east of North Dallas Parkway. (ZONE-23-0013) (DH)
23. Conduct a public hearing and consider and act upon a request to rezone 0.3± acres from Single Family-15 (SF-15) to Downtown Single-Family (DTSF), for Hillside Addition, Block 2, Lot 4, located north of East Fifth Street and west of North Church Street. (ZONE23-0018) (DH)
24. Receive an update on the status of the Raymond Community Park project. (DB)
25. Discuss and consider Town Council Subcommittee reports. (DFB)
Reconvene in Regular Session and take any action necessary as a result of the Closed Session.
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