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Call to Order/ Roll Call.
Announcements of recent and upcoming events.
1. Recognize outgoing Board and Commission members. (MLS)
15. Conduct a public hearing and consider and act upon an ordinance repealing Article 3.06, “Electrical Code”, of the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Prosper and replacing it with a new Article 3.06, “Electrical Code”. (DH)
16. Consider and act upon a resolution of the Town Council of the Town of Prosper, Texas, declaring the public necessity to acquire certain properties for right-of-way for the construction of the Coit Road (First-Frontier) project; determining the public use and necessity for such acquisition; authorizing the acquisition of property rights necessary for said Project; appointing an appraiser and negotiator as necessary; authorizing the Town Manager to establish just compensation for the property rights to be acquired; authorizing the Town Manager to take all steps necessary to acquire the needed property rights in compliance with all applicable laws and resolutions; and authorizing the Town Attorney to institute condemnation
17. Consider and act upon authorizing the Town Manager to execute an agreement with the North Texas Tollway Authority (NTTA) for funding of improvements related to the extension of the Dallas North Tollway. (CE)
18. Consider and act upon a resolution expressing official intent to reimburse costs of Town Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects that may be funded with proceeds of bonds or other obligations if those costs are paid prior to the issuance of such bonds or obligations. (RP)
19. Discuss and consider Town Council Subcommittee reports. (DFB)
Oct 10, 2023 Town Council
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Call to Order/ Roll Call.
Announcements of recent and upcoming events.
1. Recognize outgoing Board and Commission members. (MLS)
15. Conduct a public hearing and consider and act upon an ordinance repealing Article 3.06, “Electrical Code”, of the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Prosper and replacing it with a new Article 3.06, “Electrical Code”. (DH)
16. Consider and act upon a resolution of the Town Council of the Town of Prosper, Texas, declaring the public necessity to acquire certain properties for right-of-way for the construction of the Coit Road (First-Frontier) project; determining the public use and necessity for such acquisition; authorizing the acquisition of property rights necessary for said Project; appointing an appraiser and negotiator as necessary; authorizing the Town Manager to establish just compensation for the property rights to be acquired; authorizing the Town Manager to take all steps necessary to acquire the needed property rights in compliance with all applicable laws and resolutions; and authorizing the Town Attorney to institute condemnation
17. Consider and act upon authorizing the Town Manager to execute an agreement with the North Texas Tollway Authority (NTTA) for funding of improvements related to the extension of the Dallas North Tollway. (CE)
18. Consider and act upon a resolution expressing official intent to reimburse costs of Town Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects that may be funded with proceeds of bonds or other obligations if those costs are paid prior to the issuance of such bonds or obligations. (RP)
19. Discuss and consider Town Council Subcommittee reports. (DFB)
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