Video index
1. Call to Order / Roll Call
4. Conduct a Public Hearing and consider and act upon a request for a Specific Use Permit for a Restaurant with Drive-Through Service on 1.2± acres, located on the north side of US 380, west of Custer Road. The property is zoned Commercial (C). (S22-0002). [REQUEST TO BE TABLED]
5. Conduct a Public Hearing and consider and act upon a request for a Specific Use Permit, on 0.7± acre, for a Wireless Communication and Support Structure, to allow for additional antennas on an existing tower, located in the Bradford Farms subdivision, located east of Hays Road, north of First Street. (S22-0003).
6. Conduct a Public Hearing, and consider and act upon a request to rezone 110.9± acres from Agriculture (A) and Planned Development-71 (PD-71) to Planned Development-Mixed Use (PD-MU), located on the south side of First Street, west of Dallas Parkway, in order to allow for a mixed-use development, including multifamily, townhomes, patio homes, office, retail and related uses. (Z22-0003).
7. Conduct a Public Hearing, and consider and act upon a request to rezone Planned Development-86 (PD-86) to Planned Development (PD), on 277.6± acres, to amend the single-family residential regulations, located on the north side of US 380, west of Custer Road. (Z22-0005).
8. Review actions taken by the Town Council and possibly direct Town Staff to schedule topic(s) for discussion at a future meeting.
Apr 19, 2022 Planning and Zoning Commission
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to Order / Roll Call
4. Conduct a Public Hearing and consider and act upon a request for a Specific Use Permit for a Restaurant with Drive-Through Service on 1.2± acres, located on the north side of US 380, west of Custer Road. The property is zoned Commercial (C). (S22-0002). [REQUEST TO BE TABLED]
5. Conduct a Public Hearing and consider and act upon a request for a Specific Use Permit, on 0.7± acre, for a Wireless Communication and Support Structure, to allow for additional antennas on an existing tower, located in the Bradford Farms subdivision, located east of Hays Road, north of First Street. (S22-0003).
6. Conduct a Public Hearing, and consider and act upon a request to rezone 110.9± acres from Agriculture (A) and Planned Development-71 (PD-71) to Planned Development-Mixed Use (PD-MU), located on the south side of First Street, west of Dallas Parkway, in order to allow for a mixed-use development, including multifamily, townhomes, patio homes, office, retail and related uses. (Z22-0003).
7. Conduct a Public Hearing, and consider and act upon a request to rezone Planned Development-86 (PD-86) to Planned Development (PD), on 277.6± acres, to amend the single-family residential regulations, located on the north side of US 380, west of Custer Road. (Z22-0005).
8. Review actions taken by the Town Council and possibly direct Town Staff to schedule topic(s) for discussion at a future meeting.
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